
Lui Extended 作者: ArtOfShred

Vulkhel Guard Guard 作者: kawamonkey

Gives the guards in Vulkhel Guard their proper name, Vulkhel Guard Guard, or Vulkhel Guard² for short

GlossFreeAttribute 作者: Tarkasion

Just a tiny addon to get rid of all the glossy texture from the attribute bars, without changing the frames. Also works with a damage shield on.------------Juste un mini addon pour débarrasser les barres de caractéristiques de leur texture "rouge à

KharfUi 作者: Kharf

KharfUi. This UI is heavily influenced by www.tukui.org, which is an awesome ui for WoW.Currently it is in an unusable state. Please be aware that this project just started and is under development.I published this project in order to receive early feed

MiniBars 作者: LumpyLemon

I really liked HeadResource addon but since it is now Discontinued & Outdated I have altered it according to my taste. Will be adding improvements in time.Many thanks to Eddie Yang for inspiration.Bar can be moved in mouse mode.Command List: /mbr