
Votan's Addon List 作者: votan

DescriptionAlternative Addon List Design.Rearrange controls for more space for title and author. Using a tooltip instead.Change the out-of-date text for a more precise description what it means.Sort patch addons below their main addon.Libraries, not

VisitHouse 作者: TheNickm2

Requires LibSlashCommanderThis addon allows you to easily teleport to any player's residence - as long as you have the required permission to enter the player's house - all from the ESO built-in chat box.This addon is exclusively used via the chat comman

VisiblePickpocketPing 作者: manavortex

When you're pickpocketing and get the bonus*, you get a ping-y sound to notify you. But what if you're playing without sound, or people keep talking to you, or you're handicapped? Since chainsaw murder will help in only one of those cases, here's your Ad

Unknown Tracker 作者: kadeer

What It DoesDisplay Inventory Icon and/or Tooltip for unknown Motifs, Recipes, Furnishings, Stylepages and RuneboxesMultiple accounts supported e.g. @MyMainAccount and @MyOtherAccountBank, Guild Bank, Store Vendor and Guild Store supportedAutomatical