
UnDead's Harvest Summary 作者: UnDead 0rbit

3.0 Update-Massive Code Rewrite-Imports all previously saved data, shouldn't need to reinput custom fields, but in the case of issues, delete the saved variables and reload-All user-requested features coming soonUI to Track Your Harvested Items.Shows

Calamath's Addon Diagnosis 作者: Calamath

Description:This classical CUI add-on aims to diagnose the user's individual add-on operating environment.In particular, clarify the versions of installed add-ons and dependent libraries, and the location of the files actually used.Needed libraries/dep

Undaunted Pledge Queuer 作者: remosito

Dependencies: Undaunted Daily ( https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info1286-UndauntedDaily.html )LibAddonMenu-2.0 V>= 34LibSetsUpdate 35.0 New Features:- Settings to manually add more Dungeons to always display - Setting to automatically add Dunge

Mundus 作者: probo11

PSA: this addon doesn't change the mundus for youDo you always forget to change your mundus stone?Is your raidlead getting pissed about you having to port out last second?Well, this stops today!!!With this addon those struggles are from the past. Yo

ratpins 作者: ratfinx

This addon is for the Lethal Synergy guild raid team! We made this for an easier way to follow crown in our raids.Thanks to Phuein for his template for ideas and code.

Default Language Ninja - Language Selector 作者: Shinntarou

This one is a Language-Selector.And also define your own default language in ESO using in-game addon only. without using external UserSettings. Even if you turn off ESO client, your last language code are restored at next time.Language codes are 5 bundl

AlphaScry (Leads, Antiquities, Filter) 作者: mesota

Anything you need to manage your leadsThis AddOn helps you to keep track of your leads. Filter by minimum quality Filter by In progress Filter by required leadHintsMore functions/filters to come.Suggestions and comments appreciated.See Change

Name Language Ninja - Translation assistant 作者: Shinntarou

This add-on outputs names and descriptions of items and skills in other languages to your tooltip.Also can replace some LinkInChat.(in latest version, LinkInChat of Item only.)DependsOn:LibMultilingualNameLibAddonMenu-2.0DependsOn(Optional):Item S

Lead Overview 作者: ownedbynico

Lead OverviewThis Addon shows a list of all the scryable leads you got.It will open if you are in the "Antiquities" tab of the journal. You can also toggle the window with /leads or by setting a hotkey for it.

Display Leads - with Location Info 作者: remosito

Credits:Original Detailed Location Information was created by @inklings ( https://www.twitch.tv/inklings ) Thanks so much for letting me use it!Big Thanks as welll to esoui's frozenhamster for transforming @inklings multisheet info into one table for