
Dressing Room 2018 作者: code65536

Dressing Room: Which variant is right for me?There are currently three different branches of the Dressing Room family tree.Dressing Room 2015 - This is the original Dressing Room, with nothing more than API version bumps. On the front-end, this versio

DiabloFrames 作者: buldezir

enjoy.code by BulDeZir#1079art/texture work by Forsion#1098https://gitlab.com/teso-addons/diablo-framesPLEASE SUBMIT ISSUES/REQUESTS here: https://gitlab.com/teso-addons/diablo-frames/-/issues

Daily Craft Status 作者: czerepx

Going too soon to the daily writ Quartermaster, again?This simple status bar tells you whether you are good to go to Quartermaster to turn in your daily crafts.Color CodingGreen - craft done, you can turn the quest inYellow - all remaining items can be f

CombatTopHealthbar 作者: Masteroshi430

CombatTopHealthbar hides the top center Monster/boss/player/NPC big health bar when you are not in combat so it allows more immersion and being surprised by an enemy - Players', companions' and NPCs' big health bars are Always hidden. - Guards' big hea

Combat Auras (Ability Timers) 作者: Darianopolis

IMPORTANT: I no longer play ESO and can't actively maintain this addon.I have enabled "Allow Updates & AddOns" if someone wants to keep this release working with new ESO API and library changes.Anyone is absolutely free to use this addon and ada

Calamath's Shortcut Pie Menu 作者: Calamath

Description:This add-on provides a pie menu (radial menu) for shortcuts to various UI operations, except for slottable items. - Do you like opening the collection menu every time you summon your favorite assistant or companion?- Are you tired of typin

Built-in Global Cooldown 作者: aintir

ESO includes a built-in animation for the Global Cooldown (GCD) on the action bar, but it is only accessible via the console:/script ZO_ActionButtons_ToggleShowGlobalCooldown()This extremely basic add-on simply runs this command for you when enterin

Bar Swap Feedback 作者: KnightofOsiris

ABOUTBar Swap Feedback provides a visual notification next to the combat reticle (with an optional audio sound effect) when switching between your two ability bars.OPTIONSOptions are available to let you change the notification style (i.e. text or graphi