
batmaans Reconstructed Filter 作者: batmaan

This addon depends on Inventory InsightThis addon is a simple expansion for Inventory Insight to filter for reconstructed itemsWhen the Inventory Insight UI is open just type "/brf" into the chat window to get shown all reconstructed items and where th

Quick Junk And Destroy 作者: FoG

Adds hotkeys to quickly junk or destroy itemsNote: Destroying items hotkey bypasses the confirmation, so make sure to set a keybind you wont accidently hit

Descendants Display Bar 作者: Sven_re

A small bar to show you the (in my opinion) most necessary information at one glance. Window can made moveable in teh settings.More information and options to toggle specific ones on and off will be added in future updates. The design is based on the L

Currently Equipped -- Equipped Set Display 作者: AlekWithK

Currently Equipped displays your currently equipped sets, as well as their completion status, in a color coded format. It allows you to, at a glance, determine whether your setup is correct or not, without having to mouse into the inventory and hover over

Rengaru's Oakensoul Swap 作者: Rengaru

A quick way to swap weapons even with the Oakensoul Ring equipped.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This addon will let you bind a key that un-equips the Oakensoul Ring

PersonalAssistant (Banking, Consume, Jun... 作者: Masteroshi430

This is PersonalAssistant V3 by Klingo maintained by Masteroshi430.Dependencies Please make sure to also install the following required libraries in order to use PersonalAssistant:LibAddonMenu (2.0 r32 or newer) - For the AddOn settings menuLibMainMe

Potent Nirncrux Alert - Loot Alert 作者: notnear

Dependencies:LibAddonMenuYes, the surprise of opening your bag after hours of mindless farming thinking you got no potent nirncrux just to realise you actually got some is nice, but if you would want the game to jump scare you with a sound a big red mess

Caro's Worn Sets 作者: Irniben

A simple addon that adds a small window to your UI telling you how many pieces of which set you are wearing.It will colorize entries if sets are incomplete. You can use the settings to customize the colors (three cases with different colors: problem/pote

Ritter der Ananas - Gildenhalle 作者: TQSkull

Reise per Knopfdruck zur Gildenhalle der Ritter der Ananas. Unter "Steuerung -> Erweiterungen -> Ritter der Ananas - Gildenhalle" muss eine Taste zugewiesen werden.

Lazy Deconstructor 作者: StorybookTerror

Auto-select junk and clear your bag with StorybookTerror's Lazy Deconstructor!When you interact with Giladil the Ragpicker or a crafting station's deconstruction page, Lazy Deconstructor will automatically pre-select useless items for deconstruction, all