
Added Info - Guild Logins 作者: MrPikPik

Allows you to see guild members logging on and off and with which character.DependenciesLibAddonMenu-2.0The messages will be colored in the same color you set for the guild chat messages and have the same format as the logon/logoff messages you get f

ESO-Skillfactory.com Build Export 作者: Keldor

Supported Client LanguagesDescriptionThis AddOn provides a chat command to simply export your current build to the build planer of ESO-Skillfactory.comThe following is exported to the Build Planer:Learned SkillsThe characters Action BarsAttribute Poi

Clean My Chat 作者: Tyx

Clean My Chatby @TyxA small addon for Elder Scrolls Online (no affiliation), to reduce messages in unknown languages from the chat window. DependenciesLibAddonMenu-2.0LibFeedback It filters each message if it contains forbidden characters like

Guild Chat Colors 作者: OlegS

Supported localization : EN, DE, FR, RU, ESRequired libraries : LibAddonMenu 2.0 r33 or newerThe addon can work without this library, but the control over its work will be limited to slash-commands.Current features :Automatic/manual setting of guild c

I'm Calling U - Don't miss notification... 作者: tdenc

CAN'T YOU HEAR ME? FeaturesThis addon starts ringing when you get notification or chat:Notifications (Stop ringing when you accept/decline the notification)Activity Finder (random dungeon / battleground)Ready Check / Group ElectionQuest ShareWorld

Toogle Error UI 作者: CastorMatze

My first LUA. Type in chat window: /xxx -> toggle error display on/off. Type /yyy: ReloadGUInew in version 0.07: The error message is disabled at startup.new in version 0.08: Small text changes, unimportant errors fixed.new in version 0.09: Small te