
DecoTrack 作者: Cardinal05

DecoTrackAutomatically maintain a database of the furniture items you have throughout all of your homes, characters, bank, storage coffers and storage chests.Just visiting your bank, your homes and your storage chests and coffers catalogs the furniture p

EchoExperience 作者: Echomap

Purpose:EchoExp writes events that happen to the player to chat, as they occur and if individually enabled. The Window and Tab outputted can be configured, as can the color of text.Required Libs: LibAddonMenu-2.0Optional Libs: LibShifterBox(for litany

Notebook 2018 作者: Phuein

Gift me @phuein in-game, if you have extra crowns and appreciate my addons. (Ask me which DLC I didn't get yet!) Thank you!This is a changed, updated, and fixed version of the addon Notebooks by Glen348 that is now outdated. There is only one notebook n

TBag Counter 作者: kafeijao

TbagCounter is the real end-game tool you need in your group raids. It is capable of tracking the tbags on your group members as long you are in the same instance as them.When your lovely ally is dead on the floor waiting for a resurrect, you go on top

CyroChat 作者: aldericon

CyroChat is an addon born out of constantly being distracted by the many interesting, gross, entertaining, weird, sad, annoying and sometimes down-right insane chat messages that are seen in PVP. I wanted to create something that would take the useful inf

Eidetic Memory Of Item 作者: 2ch

Let's throw away garbage filled with memories!How to UseCommand[/emoi] or BindingkeyDrag and drop from inventoryAutomatically add New Item(default: off)japanese思い出の詰まったゴミアイテムを捨てよう!使い方コマンド[/emoi]