
GuildMemberNoteTemplate 作者: Coorbin

Guild Member Note Template Addon/gmnt - Guild Member Note TemplateUsage: <index> <@handle> [arguments...]- index: REQUIRED. The 1-based number corresponding to the template to apply (see addon settings)- @handle: REQUIRED. The @handle (inc

Crafter Paradise 作者: Th3M3nT0r

Spirits of the Lake aka [SoL] is an active and welcoming social guild in ESO.We play on PC EU but ALL players are welcome to our Discord server. [Discord.gg/KUUF5c8dpn]This addon is (inspired by t.vicson from MirrorLand) used to make traveling to diffe

Group Think 作者: Aldanga

Group ThinkAn addon for easy group elections with custom messages.Supported CommandsCode:/gt Prints command info to chat/gtvote Initiates a unanimous vote/gtvotemaj Initiates a majority vote/gtvotesup Initiates a superm

Marcus' Guild Management Tool (Poukav CLI) 作者: Marcus Brody

Supported Languages (scrollez vers le bas pour la documentation FR) Dependencies:LibAddonMenuLibHistoireMasterMerchantOptional dependencies:TamrielTradeCenterCOMING SOON: FULL GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE WITH ALL THE PREVIOUS CLI FEATURES AND MORE!! Addon

BeamMeUp - Teleporter (Fast Travel) 作者: @DeadSoon

This addon allows you to use the fast travel functionality of the game in a comfortable and highly-customizable way. All fast travel options you have through your guilds, friends and group are listed in a clear way and are usable with different search an

GuildActivity 作者: Coorbin

This addon periodically logs your guild members' activity to a saved variables file. The format consists of:Timestamp when the snapshot was saved,Name of the guild,@handle of the user,Time (in seconds) since they were last online, or 0 if they're on n

SearchMemberNotesToo 作者: Coorbin

With this addon, when you type in the "Filter" text box in a guild roster, it will also search the Member Notes and display any results that match either the Member Note or the user's name / @handle. You can also search for players of a given rank by typ

OdySupportIcons - Group Role Icons &... 作者: Odylon

With Version 1.10 an Workaround for old instances of LibAddonMenu-2.0 (LAM) was removed from OSI, as it conflicted with future development of LAM.If you experience problems since the last update, e.g. screen gets blurry or lua errors mentioning ZO_Screen