
Rose Guildhalls 作者: Kay.Cee

Dependencies: LibAddonMenu, LibCustomMenu, and OdySupportIcons(for Rose Icons in guild roster and chat) Rose Guilds is a collection of active and welcoming social guilds in ESO.We play on PC EU but ALL players are welcome to our Discord server. [Discord

DEPRECATED Sauhaufen 作者: m00nyONE

WARNING - i do not maintain this addon anymore because i left the guild it was ment for. If someone wants to take it or maintain it, just let me know.Das Sauhaufen AddonWARNING: THIS IS A GUILD INTERNAL ADDON.IF YOU ARE NOT MEMBER OF THE GUILD "Sauhaufe

MemeSupportIcons - icon pack for OdySupp... 作者: def venom

Meme icons for Ody's. If I missed your favorite, please leave a comment and I will add them in a future update.DEPENDENCIESOdySupportIcons

UnDead's Group Utilities: New Name Contest! 作者: UnDead 0rbit

WIN 100k Gold! Name this Mod Contest.To Enter:1. Download this mod.2. Either click the button on the UI, or open the mod's settings.3. Think of a good name.4. Type your suggestion, then hit send suggestion.Thanks everyone for using this mod. I am lo

Otter Icons For Ody's 作者: mr_coops

Just some silly cute otter icons for Ody's.Made for the guild The Otterside

Auto Complete 作者: Dolgubon

Auto Complete will finish slash commands and player names while you are typing them in. It acts similar to a browser filling in the URL you are typing.Example:Say you type /buc into the chatbox. The addon will show /bucketsplash. Whatever you didn't typ

Auto Recruit 作者: peniku8

Recruiting was never easier - Auto Recruit is the perfect tool for guildmasters, officers and dedicated recruiters:The addon can paste recruitment ads via hotkeys, automatically invite players to your guild of choice when they whisper you a certain keyw

Added Info - Group Window 作者: MrPikPik

The big rewrite is finally here! The Addon has been rewritten from the ground up using more appropiate methods to achieve the result as I learned a lot over the years of making addons for ESO. Please report any bugs or issues you find as testing every co