
Let There Be Light 作者: Cardinal05

This add-on will no longer be maintained.As of Patch 4.1, you may assign players the Limited Visitor permission to prevent unwanted changes to lights and other interactive furnishings! But, if you enjoy Player Housing, please check out these other usefu

Oops I Did It Again 作者: Cardinal05

This add-on has been integrated into Essential Housing Tools.Check it out for the same Multi-Level Undo and Redo functionality (among a host of other house editing tools!).

Coming Back Home 作者: Saleand

Required libs:LibAddonMenu-2.0How does it work:If you were pulled in a dungeon while being in a house, then when you leave a group in a dungeon, the add-on will automatically start traveling to that house after 5 seconds with a message which contains a

SaveHouse 作者: sirinsidiator

Scaffold 作者: Cardinal05

This add-on has been replaced. Please see Magic Carpet for the latest version.

UnDead's Group Utilities: New Name Contest! 作者: UnDead 0rbit

WIN 100k Gold! Name this Mod Contest.To Enter:1. Download this mod.2. Either click the button on the UI, or open the mod's settings.3. Think of a good name.4. Type your suggestion, then hit send suggestion.Thanks everyone for using this mod. I am lo

House Tours 作者: Alianym

Welcome to House Tours*!House Tours presents a way to add non-audio subtitles to pathing NPCs in your house. The text is tied to a node, and both your and the NPCs distance from that node. These distances are moderately customizable, but as an example y

Target Dummy Tools 作者: Phuein

Written by @Phuein - Concept by @NordCarbon. Check out my other addons!This addon helps manage your target dummies. Bind a hotkey or use /dummyreset to reset the targeted dummy to full HP. Bind a hotkey or use /dummyresetall to reset all placed dummi

Slash Home 作者: Circuitous

Adds a /home command that teleports you to your Primary Residence.Dead simple. Hasn't been thoroughly bug tested, but so long as you actually have a Primary Residence it should work perfectly. If you want something fancier, check out Go Home.Leave feedb