
New Life Festival 作者: tim99

´Dependencies:LibAddonMenu-2.0 (which you very likely already have)Addon-Description:Should work in english, german, french and russianShows a small window with the festival quests:red: not done todaygreen: done todayorange: active quest in you

Memento Refresh 作者: Pretz333

This addon provides an easy way to automatically refresh mementos (use a memento on cooldown)Currently Supported Mementos:Wild Hunt Transform (wildhunt)Floral Swirl Aura (floral)Wild Hunt Leaf-Dance Aura (leaf)Storm Atronach Transform (storm)Dwemerva

LorebooksColoredLibrary 作者: tim99

.No additional libs neededColors all categories in the library depending on their completeness.This is a standalone version, but it is also fully included in: tim99s ColoredLists(combination of colored lorebooks, set collection, achievements, codex a.

LockpickNotifier 作者: Rednas

A simple add-on i made for myself, to notify my party members i found a chest in a dungeon.Due to requests to share the add-on, i uploaded it here! I hope you guys like it!What does this addon do: Detects when you try to pick a lock If you try to pi

LGM - Lilith's Group Manager 作者: Drummerx04

As a spiritual successor to AutoInvite, LGM is designed to fit the needs of anyone who forms a group ever, with savable groups, simplified automatic invites, offline kick, and an in depth group death recap tracker... because why not?The LGM interface is

LanguageSwitcher 作者: m00nyONE

Just a simple LanguageSwitcher because i always forget the command to switch languages ingameusage:/language -> prints all available languages in chat/language REGION_CODE -> uses a language for the ui and reloadsthats it. nothing more

Keybinding: Holiday Memento 作者: code65536

Tried of having to change your quick slots on every character when a new holiday event rolls around? Annoyed at having to use up a precious quick slot for holiday event XP mementos?This addon adds a keybinding that will activate the relevant XP memento f

Jump 作者: uberswe

As requested by @Davaco and a big thanks for helping me test this addon.This addon counts the number of jumps you perform as a player. It gives three categories: Lifetime, Group and Combat jumps.Use the following commands to see various stats and whatn

Item Sets Summary Page Percentages 作者: tombaa

This was originally a small addon to add a total progress bar to the item sets collection, but with the arrival of the summary page in the Deadlands patch, the addon was updated to just add percentages to the summary page on the progress barsFind the cod