
EchoExperience 作者: Echomap

Purpose:EchoExp writes events that happen to the player to chat, as they occur and if individually enabled. The Window and Tab outputted can be configured, as can the color of text.Required Libs: LibAddonMenu-2.0Optional Libs: LibShifterBox(for litany

Easy Penetration Calculator 作者: Rednas

Version 0.9, there are a few things i still want to improve before i would like to call it 1.0.This addon shows a calculator for your penetration when you type /pen.With this calculator you can see how much pen you will have based on the gear, skills,

DynamicTitleFlex 作者: Complicative

Description:Always wanted for everyone in your instance to see, that you have cleared it and even got the trifecta, but changing your title manually is too bothersome?DynamicTitleFlex automatically changes your title, whenever you enter a dungeon, trial

Dungeon Queue 4 Stickerbook 作者: tim99

.No additional libs needed- Adds a new dropdown to the Queue-Finder-UI for "Specific Dungeons" that marks all dungeons where u r missing parts from the stickerbook/sets, skillpoints from dungeon quests or have pledges to do. only normal difficulty leve

Disable Prologue Quests 作者: SSM24

This is a simple addon that prevents you from accepting DLC prologue quests. This gives you an easy way to avoid these quests, if you'd rather focus on the sidequests that actually belong to the zone you're in.WHAT IT DOESWhenever a prologue quest is add

Descendants Support Set Tracker 作者: Sven_re

DependenciesLibAddonMenu 2.0LibSetsOverviewThis AddOn is designed for Support Players who don't want to maintain an Excel sheet of their available gear anymore.You can track which sets you own across Characters and which would be able to reconstruct wi

DecoTrack 作者: Cardinal05

DecoTrackAutomatically maintain a database of the furniture items you have throughout all of your homes, characters, bank, storage coffers and storage chests.Just visiting your bank, your homes and your storage chests and coffers catalogs the furniture p

Dark Brotherhood Spree ZH 作者: NeiL978

Original Addons Dark Brotherhood Spree by Chazwazer.This is just update zh language for Simplified Chinese Client.Only English and Simplified Chinese are supported.此插件是為了方便在黑暗兄弟會的標記之書中過濾掉其他非殺戮盛

Dark Brotherhood Spree DE 作者: tim99

This Addon is based on the mentioned ones, but supporting the german client (only).Dieses Addon basiert auf den Addons Dark Brotherhood Spree und CovetousCountess, nur eben für den deutschen Client bzw eingestellte deutsche Sprache.Das Addon blendet di

CovetousCountess ZH 作者: NeiL978

Original Addons CovetousCountess - Abah's Watch farming helper by Shinni.This is just update zh language for Simplified Chinese Client.So Original Addons already supported English, French, German. and Now Simplified Chinese are added.此插件是為了