
Armory Build Display 作者: tes4p00ner

Simple little addon that will display the icon and name of the currently selected Armory Station build on the screen. It will not show until you have visited and equipped a build from the Armory Station at least once. The display can be moved around with

Mudballed - Memento Counter 作者: Kyzeragon

Just a little addon that keeps track of who you hit with mudballs, snowballs, revelry pies, cherry blossoms, and murderous crows. And vice versa, of course.Tally UIThe UI can be enabled or disabled in the addon settings, or the following commands:/mudbal

Guild Tickets 作者: attriel

Parse guild history (using libhistoire) for bank deposits that are a multiple of your "ticket cost"Can go across multiple days, prints each ticket deposit separatelyTo see all deposits for tickets that cost 2000 in the last week for your 3rd guild (/g3)

Mute Bards 2 作者: MadDachshund

Based on Mute Bards by YayRP.This addon allows you to mute bards in cities/sub-zones that you specify.The mod comes with a preset list of some of the zones with bards. You can add to or remove from that list as you see fit. Getting the subzone name for

tim99s Toolbar 作者: tim99

My first addon, started mainly for testing and trying out. At first I didn't want to upload it, but a couple of friends wanted to use it too, so here we are. It started out as a combination of "wykyyds Toolbar", "Info Panel" and "The Elder Bar". I always

Trial Completion Counter 作者: MrPikPik

Counts how many times you completed veteran trials. Will count accountwide on all your characters combined."/trialcompletioncount" to see sorted list of how many times you completed every trial.

Dark Brotherhood Spree DE 作者: tim99

This Addon is based on the mentioned ones, but supporting the german client (only).Dieses Addon basiert auf den Addons Dark Brotherhood Spree und CovetousCountess, nur eben für den deutschen Client bzw eingestellte deutsche Sprache.Das Addon blendet di

LorebooksColoredLibrary 作者: tim99

.No additional libs neededColors all categories in the library depending on their completeness.This is a standalone version, but it is also fully included in: tim99s ColoredLists(combination of colored lorebooks, set collection, achievements, codex a.

ESOPie - Extensive Quickslots 作者: FiveStar

ESOPie - Extensive Customizable Quickslots ESOPie is a radial action-binding addon inspired by the similarly named World of Warcraft addon OPie by cfxfox that provides up to 6 ring bindings of up to 12 usable slots much like the Quickslot feature.Nested

CompanionRapportToChat 作者: tim99

.Displays a chat message whenever rapport changesNo additional libs needed