Reminderz 作者: Toirealach

Do you die during a trial boss or in PvP just to realize that you forgot to eat or drink your buff food before it ran out?Are you trying to loot corpses but you can't because your inventory is full? *NEW*Are you leveling a new toon and keep forgetting t

Magic Carpet 作者: Cardinal05

It is a chore to create scaffolding when you just want to build high up or get a better vantage point. Magic Carpet makes it easy to build anywhere in any home by giving you the power of flight. All that you need is Decorator permission and any of the man

RdK Group Tool 作者: Sordrak

RdK Group Tool is an AddOn which has been developed for PvP. The goal of it was to reduce the amount of AddOns used to one (for our group). Therefore, the AddOn contains both, already known functionality and new functionality.I began developing almost 2

PvDoor 作者: skineh

Is PvP gatekeeping your fun time with doors?!Stop being bamboozled by keeps and use PvDoor.PvDoor will help you reclaim your confidence as you bravely fight the many doorways in Cyrodiil.Thanks to PvDoor, you'll no longer look like an inept buffoon bec

Vampz 作者: Toirealach

There are many vampires in Cyrodiil nowadays. Vampires need to feed to maintain their desired Vampire Stage. This add-on adds map pins for 77 places on the Cyrodiil map where there are Imperial camps or other areas with humanoids that a vampire needs in o

LGM - Lilith's Group Manager 作者: Drummerx04

As a spiritual successor to AutoInvite, LGM is designed to fit the needs of anyone who forms a group ever, with savable groups, simplified automatic invites, offline kick, and an in depth group death recap tracker... because why not?The LGM interface is

Lights of Meridia 作者: Cardinal05

Improve your group's ability to work together as a team in Battlegrounds, Cyrodiil and World zones.* Note that the Light cannot be seen in Dungeons or Trials - a restriction imposed by the game itself.The divine Light of Meridia shines down upon each

Namez 作者: Toirealach

This addon changes the nameplates of the players that you put your reticle (cursor) on.First, it adds the class icon of the player so that you can see what their class is right after their level or CP.Then it also changes the color of all the text in th