
Quiet Stealth 作者: Atronyx

As a fan of stealth gameplay, there are some aspects of ESO stealth that are annoying & intrusive. Namely the sound effect played when entering stealth or upon being detected and the completely unnecessary "HIDDEN" notification.Enter Quiet Stealth, w

Accessorize 作者: deadohiosky48

Display your sense of fashion with ease! Pre-select a mount, non-combat pet, hair style, and several other appearance collectibles for each outfit a character has unlocked and they will automatically be selected when you change outfits. In addition to mou

The Compendium (Demo) 作者: Alianym

Welcome to The Compendium!Do you like Custom Quests? 'Cause I do! If you do too, then I have to disappoint you because this is only a demo of approximately one-and-a-half quests. But hey! Give it a whirl and get a taste of some custom user-created conte

QuickEmotes Updated 作者: Sven_re

An updated version of KLISK's QuickEmotes for High Isle.It still allows you to express your emotions via a subemnu in the chat box Optional Dependencie:LibAddonMenu 2.0Slash commands:"/qemotes" - Settings menu.Permission has been requested for this Patc

Roleplay Suite - Character Skill & N... 作者: Christopherv1995

Previously known as : Guild Event Dice RoleA dice roll addon with a twist, containing a huge number of different skills/attributes. You can set the rank of your skills, skill rank will set how high you are able to roll for, for example: a Journeyman is l

Favorite Mount 作者: ShadowMau

FavoriteMountRequires: LibAddonMenu-2Select and save favorite mounts by character and randomly change between the favorites.Creates a list of your unlocked mounts and allows you to select favorite ones for each character. If you have two or more mounts

House Tours 作者: Alianym

Welcome to House Tours*!House Tours presents a way to add non-audio subtitles to pathing NPCs in your house. The text is tied to a node, and both your and the NPCs distance from that node. These distances are moderately customizable, but as an example y