
BSCs-TauntCounter 作者: BloodStainCHild

Add-on is only working if you did flag as Tank.This Add-on is to help prevent over taunting while you (Tank) swap Boss/Adds.How does over taunting work?Quick Explain:Taunt counter is running on the target you're taking over? Yes, then increase it by 1

Resist-O-Meter 作者: Complicative

Description:Want to know what your Resistances and Block Mitigation are at any moment?Resist-O-Meter shows both resistances and your block mitigation in a small window, and changes their colours, should you be over cap!Features:- Shows Physical Resistanc

PleaseJustDebuff 作者: Jarva

This is a small addon, inspired by DoYouEvenDebuff, to track various debuffs in a clean UI.This addon is currently unmaintained.If you're interested in maintaining it, please message Jarva on ESOUI.Trackable DebuffsTaunt Immunity - ImAlkosh - ALCrushe

DoYouEvenDebuff 作者: AiMPlAyEr

The purpose of this small Addon is to show Buffs/Debuffs (e.g. Alkosh, Crusher and Taunt) on your target.What can be tracked?TauntImmunity on targetEngulfing FlamesAlkoshCrusher EnchantmentMajor FractureMinor FractureMajor BreachMinor BreachMino

Guard Status 作者: MrPikPik

Adds a small window that displays the status of guard.It shows if and who you are guarding or if you are being guarded by someone.The UI widget becomes visible as soon as you have the guard skill equipped or if someone casts a guard on you.If you are g

TankHelper 作者: Bleifish

Shows a big warning if you need to block, dodge or interrupt.It can help tanks while handling many enemies.! You need to enable ESOs "infight hints" in the "combat" settings. !1.0.1 Fix:The warning was not visible sometimes.

DebuffMe 作者: Floliroy

Libraries Needed : LibAddonMenuDebuffMeThe idea of this addon came to me when i was watching andy.s video, and i saw a weird addon at the middle of his screen. And so i just tried to do it with my code ! What it does : It will show you on a predefined p

Samurai 作者: Wheels

Note that this is essentially a beta addon, and is still very much a work in progress. There will be problems and missing features.Required libraries: LibAddonMenu2, LibUnits2 (bundled)Samur.ai is a combat notification addon, much like RaidNotifier and C