
Master Writ Inventory Marker (WritWorthy... 作者: code65536

This addon will add a marker to the master writs in your bag, bank, guild stores, and mail attachments, to indicate which writs can be completed.WritWorthy, which this addon relies on, will indicate on a master writ's item tooltip whether or not your char

Bandits Alchemy Helper 作者: Hoft

Improves alchemy crafting interface- Have no options menu, works as a part of default alchemy crafting interface- Option to reveal unknown reagent traits- Automatic solvent filter- Ability to filter reagents by traits (use shift+click for multiple fil

AutoRefine 作者: ihause

Addon refines raw materials (jewelrycrafting dust, blacksmithing, clothier and woodworking) automatically. It calculates and saves between sessions the amount and probabilities of refined materials.How to use:Open craft station, press button "Auto Refin

Leo's Trainer 作者: LeandroSilva

An AddOn that helps training your alt on crafting skills (blacksmithing, woodworking, clothing and jewel crafting).Type "/leotrainer" on your chat to open the main window or use the KeyBinding.Dependencies (please, install these):* Leo's Altholic (1.5.

Daily Craft Status 作者: czerepx

Going too soon to the daily writ Quartermaster, again?This simple status bar tells you whether you are good to go to Quartermaster to turn in your daily crafts.Color CodingGreen - craft done, you can turn the quest inYellow - all remaining items can be f