
Outfit Hotkeys 作者: Thyreos

Outfit HotkeysProvides half a dozen hotkeys for equipping and un-equipping outfits.Optionally pairs outfits with mementos to trigger when any source* equips or unequips an outfit.Optionally restores your last outfit after zoning.***This addon, the

ReloadButton 作者: Tarlac

This addon will display a button that can be used to reload the ui quickly.The Slash Commands are : /reloadbuttonsettings - will open the settings window/reloadbutton - will show the buttonPlease post any comments suggestions/bugs to http://www.esoui

Settings Profiler 作者: SDPhantom

Lets you save in-game settings profiles to link with your other characters.This addon is currently command-driven. A GUI may come down the road.Notice: I've departed from playing ESO since the start of 2019. I just don't enjoy the game that much anymore

New Addon Template 作者: Phuein

Gift me @phuein in-game, if you have extra crowns and appreciate my addons. (Can even ask which DLC I missed.) Thank you!This is not a game addon and it does nothing meaningful.Requirements:LibAddonMenu-2.0 >= 28This is a template for new addons.

EsoSets - Set Search 作者: Dr_Swizz

Search for sets in game by weight, set bonus, dungeon / trial, zone, update, and type. ie crafted, monster,overland ...To Open the addon simply type /esosets into the chatTo Search from chat type /setsearch followed by whatever you would like to search

Notebook 2018 作者: Phuein

Gift me @phuein in-game, if you have extra crowns and appreciate my addons. (Ask me which DLC I didn't get yet!) Thank you!This is a changed, updated, and fixed version of the addon Notebooks by Glen348 that is now outdated. There is only one notebook n

RaidTools 作者: apfelstrudellq

Raiding thingies...AboutThis addon provides various features focused on raiding.ModulesGroup utilityRaidUtilizes LibGroupSocket to send information about equipped buff sets and the character's main attribute. WarHornStatusDisplays the current war horn

OutfitDropdown 作者: manavortex

Adds the outfit style dropdown to the gear display when you open your inventory screen

Emote Tester for IdleAnimations 作者: Werewolf Finds Dragon

Please read this.I'm taking another break for a while. My anxiety isn't holding up well and I need to take some time for myself to recover. Frankly, modding can be a thankless job and some of the people one is forced to interact with can be... deeply unp

Junkee 2018 作者: Phuein

Gift me @phuein in-game, if you have extra crowns and appreciate my addons. (Ask me which DLC I didn't get yet!) Thank you!Updating the previous works of Thenedus and then Denidil, which were functional but neglected.I extended Junkee's original functio