
Azura Guild Messages 作者: Aerilita

This is a guild addon for Azura's Kingdom Guild.Установка: распакуйте содержимое архива в папку с аддонами (\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns).Использование: назначьте п

KamiChat 作者: kamimark

Very quick chat command-line tool to insert pre-written text for sending. It can't hit enter for you, but will type everything else!Usage:/k list -- List all message names/k MSGNAME -- Insert message/k set MSGNAME TEXT... -- Creates a message/k clear

Joker - Jokes, Rolls, Ready Checks, Ridd... 作者: Lent

Best enjoyed with Skooma, Joker offers a growing collection of 3100+ various jokes, riddles, fun utilities (like rolls, custom ready checks, etc) & other amusing pop-culture references - all readily available ingame for your leisurely chatting pleas

Toogle Error UI 作者: CastorMatze

My first LUA. Type in chat window: /xxx -> toggle error display on/off. Type /yyy: ReloadGUInew in version 0.07: The error message is disabled at startup.new in version 0.08: Small text changes, unimportant errors fixed.new in version 0.09: Small te

Endeavor Chat Tracker 作者: Keldor

Supported Client LanguagesWhat It DoesTracks the status of your uncompleted Endeavors and prints progress updates to the chat.SupportI am happy about every supporter who wants to support my projects via Buy me a Coffee or Patreon!Click on the Buy me a

ChatBG 作者: Weolo

A little addon I knocked up for Ajaxduo.It allows you to set a simple background colour for the chat window, including choosing the transparency.Anyone else is welcome to use it if you like it.The latest version of addon library LibAddonMenu is required

GampeadChatNoFade 作者: Baertram

Tis is a simple addon which prevents the fading of the gamepad chat.No options menu, no slash commands.Chat will be not fading for 999999 seconds now.If you want to change that value for the unpinned/pinned (minimized) mode:Edit the file GamepadchatNo

Zone Chat for Group Activities only 作者: Shawn5150

Filter Zone Chat Filter to only display Pug/PvP activities.This addOn will filter Zone Chat according to a word list in order to prevent spam messages from Guilds, sellers, bots, etc.It will detect and let through messages about group activities such a

Clean My Chat 作者: Tyx

Clean My Chatby @TyxA small addon for Elder Scrolls Online (no affiliation), to reduce messages in unknown languages from the chat window. DependenciesLibAddonMenu-2.0LibFeedback It filters each message if it contains forbidden characters like