
Gold Ledger 作者: P5ych3

Gold LedgerGold Ledger was inspired by Ledger, and serves as a detailed gold manager for ESO. There are a handful of gold managers available on ESOUI of course, but few offer the features that come packaged with Gold Ledger in such a clean and precise ma

Simple Skyshards 作者: Alianym

Welcome to Simple Skyshards!Like the name implies this is a no-fuss custom implementation of Skyshards on the map (zone, delve, etc.). It works well with Votan's Minimap and AUI's minimap. It'll also work with Map Pins, you'll just obviously need to dis

CobbDialogueLogger 作者: DavidJCobb

A very, very basic mod for logging all subtitles and menu-based dialogue. Log output is displayed in a textbox in a LibAddonMenu-2 panel with all logged content formatted in UESP-suitable wiki-markup. This means that dialogue will tend to look like this:

DebugLogViewer 作者: sirinsidiator

This add-on is a front-end for LibDebugLogger and allows to view and filter the logged messages.There is now an external Log Viewer too, which can be used to share log files.Features:Quick Log for non-intrusive display of log messagesNo more Lua error

LibChatMessage 作者: sirinsidiator

For years addon authors have abused the debug methods d(), df() and CHAT_SYSTEM:AddMessage() to show messages in chat or even added text directly to the chat buffer, preventing other addons from interacting with the output. LibChatMessage offers an easy a

ESO-Skillfactory.com Build Export 作者: Keldor

Supported Client LanguagesDescriptionThis AddOn provides a chat command to simply export your current build to the build planer of ESO-Skillfactory.comThe following is exported to the Build Planer:Learned SkillsThe characters Action BarsAttribute Poi