
Greyskull : Weapon / Spell Damage Meter 作者: ghostbane

NEW: - Hybrid modeSelect Hybrid in the settings menu and Greyskull will appear with whatever is higher, Weapon Damage or Spell Damage.Greyskull - Customisable power meterSet coloured rules for specific power levels for visual ques of when one or severa

Killz 作者: Toirealach

If you have watched the content of some PvP streamers (ala Dr. Ganknstein), you will see a colourful display of their Kills, Deaths, Killing Blows and Alliance Points in the upper right side of their screen. And you will also see their killing blows &

Calamath's Shortcut Pie Menu 作者: Calamath

Description:This add-on provides a pie menu (radial menu) for shortcuts to various UI operations, except for slottable items. - Do you like opening the collection menu every time you summon your favorite assistant or companion?- Are you tired of typin

Calamath's Quest Tracker 作者: Calamath

Description:This add-on provides a traditional MMORPG style multiple quest tracker, distributed under the Artistic License 2.0In designing an alternative for the standard focus quest tracker, there are three things we wanted to improve with this add-on

ImprovedTitleizer 作者: tomstock

The purpose of this plugin is to categorize and alphabetize the Title list on the Character screen.Sample categories:Alliance WarArenaBattlegroundsDungeonHolidayTales of TributeSkyshard HunterSaviorMasterTrials

ReloadUI 作者: SirWoach

Adds a keybind for User Interface reloads. Navigate to Settings > Controls > Addon Keybinds and navigate to the Reload UI category to bind this key.There is also a slash command /rui to run the UI Reload without a keybind.

Vestige's Epic Quest 作者: Masteroshi430

An intelligent multi quest tracker on steroids!Required Libraries: LibAddonMenuLibMediaProvider-1.0LibTreasureLibGPSLibDialogOptional Libraries/Addons: WritWorthy (and all it's required libraries) Needed for the "Doable Writ" featureBeamMeUp (

Nine Resourcez 作者: Toirealach

Are you tired of taking the 'Capture Any Nine Resources' and 'Capture Any Three Keeps' quests in Cyrodiil and then not remembering which ones you've actually captured thus far?Well, here is the answer to your prayers.'Nine Resourcez' will track when you

CyrHUD 作者: Sasky

EsoBR - Tradução Português - v2023 作者: rodrigo

EsoBRAn unofficial portuguese translation for the The Elder Scrolls Online. 100% of the game are translated.Compatible with NecromCompatible with Steam®An especial thanks to Cervanteso for his translation tool, and Skrybowie Tamriel for his ingame to