
UnDead's Group Utilities: New Name Contest! 作者: UnDead 0rbit

WIN 100k Gold! Name this Mod Contest.To Enter:1. Download this mod.2. Either click the button on the UI, or open the mod's settings.3. Think of a good name.4. Type your suggestion, then hit send suggestion.Thanks everyone for using this mod. I am lo

GroupSpy 作者: Ace'r

GroupSpy is an addon that extends the functionality of the existing group menu.GroupSpy gives the option to add additional columns to the group menu containing information which is not normally displayed in the group menu.Currently the following 7 colum

Advanced Member Tooltip - LibHistoire 作者: Sharlikran

This addon adds some information to the standard guild roster tooltips:- Days since a member joined- Last Seen - When the player logged off- Amount of gold that a member deposited or has withdrawn from the guild bank. (Must have Guild Permissions)- Pl

Shissu's Teleporter 作者: Shissu

Shissu's TeleporterTeleportiere dich in jede Zone, in denen sich andere Spieler deiner Gilden, deiner Gruppe oder auch deine Freunde befinden. Öffne einfach das Teleporterfenster über eine Tastaturkombination deiner WAHL (festgelegt in der STEUERUNG),

Notebook 2018 作者: Phuein

Gift me @phuein in-game, if you have extra crowns and appreciate my addons. (Ask me which DLC I didn't get yet!) Thank you!This is a changed, updated, and fixed version of the addon Notebooks by Glen348 that is now outdated. There is only one notebook n

Royal Guildhalls 作者: Klainor

[EN]Addon for fast travel to the guildhalls of the Royal guild.In the guild halls there are all the Stones of Mundus, all the set, crafting stations, various dummies for training and many other useful services.Guildhall EN @Ilbirs - stations sorted fr