Spin2Win 作者: g4rr3t

Spin2WinSure, you can spin to win. But can you quantify how much winning you did from all your spinning?Now you can!FunctionalityTracks total spins (Whirlwind, Whirling Blades, Steel Tornado)Doesn't judge you if you haven't yet morphed Whirlwind or u

Killz 作者: Toirealach

If you have watched the content of some PvP streamers (ala Dr. Ganknstein), you will see a colourful display of their Kills, Deaths, Killing Blows and Alliance Points in the upper right side of their screen. And you will also see their killing blows &

Provinatus - Heads Up Display 作者: AlbinoPython

Heads up display that shows the locations and health of people in your group as well as many other locations.Restored Eidetic Memory pins from the LoreBooks addonRequired AddOnsLibAddonMenuLibGPSOptionally, displays data from:Dungeon ChampionsHarves

PvDoor 作者: skineh

Is PvP gatekeeping your fun time with doors?!Stop being bamboozled by keeps and use PvDoor.PvDoor will help you reclaim your confidence as you bravely fight the many doorways in Cyrodiil.Thanks to PvDoor, you'll no longer look like an inept buffoon bec

Namez 作者: Toirealach

This addon changes the nameplates of the players that you put your reticle (cursor) on.First, it adds the class icon of the player so that you can see what their class is right after their level or CP.Then it also changes the color of all the text in th

MarcelovskiMarkers 作者: Marcelovski

MarcelovskiMarkers automatically places a target marker on an enemy player whenever you use a previously specified ability. All players in your group can see the marker even without this addon.This greatly improves group coordination in pvp scenarios as

Cyrodiil Score Viewer 作者: tdenc

All alliance scores of all campaigns at a glance Supported campaign dataAlliance scoreServer populationEnd of campaignReward tier (Home campaign only)Underdog score bonus (Home campaign only)Underdog population bonus (Home campaign only)Slash com

Greyskull : Weapon / Spell Damage Meter 作者: ghostbane

NEW: - Hybrid modeSelect Hybrid in the settings menu and Greyskull will appear with whatever is higher, Weapon Damage or Spell Damage.Greyskull - Customisable power meterSet coloured rules for specific power levels for visual ques of when one or severa

ToxicPlayers: Easy Targets 作者: Mouton

EN - FR - DEToxicPlayer is a tiny social addon that enables you to spot ignored players or friends more easily in the game by changing the reticle style.You'll then be able to focus your foes on the battle fields, not help the players ignored in your fac