Heal Counter 作者: aldericon

Heal Counter is an addon for healers, from tracking your abilities to seeing how much of the group has Spell Power Cure on them. When you first load up the game, you can choose where to drop the display on your screen. The useful 'i' button in the top rig

Low Champion Point Finder 作者: EHansonn

Sometimes you might not notice that the guy standing in front of you with 40k hp is actually only Champion Point rank 200. This addon adds a text message below your crosshair that estimates how easy a target will be based off of their champion points. It

rMark 作者: Ragetti

Taos Group Tools 作者: Taonnor

Taos Group Tools is a user interface enhancement for The Elder Scrolls Online designed to give players access to informational ultimate / resources / group heal / damage / group buffs / buffood / purge / detonation data of group members and many more.Sho

Keep Status 作者: aldericon

Disclaimer: The design of the addon and a good portion of the code is the exact same as CyrHUD. I do not claim I came up with the design myself, merely modified it for a new addon.Resources have become critical in the Cyrodiil War, and can help you achie

LGM - Lilith's Group Manager 作者: Drummerx04

As a spiritual successor to AutoInvite, LGM is designed to fit the needs of anyone who forms a group ever, with savable groups, simplified automatic invites, offline kick, and an in depth group death recap tracker... because why not?The LGM interface is

BSCs-AlliancePointInfo 作者: BloodStainCHild

An Simple Addon To Track How faar away you are from max Alliance rank, also added Info Below the Progessbars Added an new AP Bar To Display Total AP needAdded Below the Bars an Lable For better information

Namez 作者: Toirealach

This addon changes the nameplates of the players that you put your reticle (cursor) on.First, it adds the class icon of the player so that you can see what their class is right after their level or CP.Then it also changes the color of all the text in th