
Death Log 作者: init3

Tracks deaths, and provides information about the ability that killed the playersButtons from left to right:1: Clears the log2: Pins the window on your screen3: Minimize/Maximize the window4: Close the window/deathlog - Toggles the deathlog window o

Open Glaza (Cloudrest Assistant) 作者: Fortan

Small addon which can get you some help with vCR. Now It can:Track Roaring Flare, draw alert+timer+arrow to the debuffed Player (like a compass). On the 2nd stage, with shadow Z'Maja, addon send alerts like that: "@PLAYER1 <---- FLARE IN 5 ----> @P

Hyper Tanking Tools 作者: Hyperioxes

Hyper Tanking Tools is a set of trackers and other toolsDependencies:-LibAddonMenu-LibMsgWinDebuff Tracker:Tracks debuffs on current target and up to 6 bosses. You can set it up so it tracks different debuffs on current target frames and on boss frames

SpeedRun 作者: Floliroy

Libraries Needed : LibAddonMenu, LibCustomMenuSpeedRunFor now the addon is still in development and this is a beta version, bugs might happen but it should have close to no impact on your overall performances.What it does : It will display a window when y

BSCs-HowToKynesAegis 作者: BloodStainCHild

Alerts more information.YandirPoison Totem dodge AlertGargoyle Totem Block AlertJump AlertUI Countdown on Gryphon SkipUI Countdown Totem SpawnCaptain VrolPortal Cast AlertPortal Position icon (spawn location of the portal)Countdown Portal Kill (

Kal's Crown 作者: Kalinfe

Puts an icon over group member's heads to more easily see the important people in your raid.Icons are based on LFG roles (healer/tank/dps)Uses people's Hodor Reflexes icons if they have them, or the addon's own buffer of custom icons.Supports animated

Kyzderp's Derps 作者: Kyzeragon

Kyzderp's Derps is, as the name suggests, a collection of miscellaneous features. I will most likely continue to add more random things in the future.Custom Target NameThis displays text that you can customize when your reticle is on a target. It was ma