
Squirrel Killer 作者: Aaxc

Tracks and notifies about squirrel kills, so Olibeau can put 7up yours

Spin2Win 作者: g4rr3t

Spin2WinSure, you can spin to win. But can you quantify how much winning you did from all your spinning?Now you can!FunctionalityTracks total spins (Whirlwind, Whirling Blades, Steel Tornado)Doesn't judge you if you haven't yet morphed Whirlwind or u

Soulgem, Parchment, Clippers 作者: Philgo68

This addon helps coordinate Soulgem, Parchment, Clippers fights. Everyone needs to have the addon.You must be in a group together and in the same location.Optionally, one person in group can throw a starter emote to show everyone a system message countd

Sit On Bench (Continued) 作者: Skotharr-do

Fixed version of original Sit on Benches addon.Original description:You can now sit on those comfy benches in the tavern. Or temple pews. Or thin air, I don't care.1. Draw your fists2. Back up against the thing you want to sit on3. Use the new /sit

ShowMount 作者: Phuein

Sponsored by ShadowOFMen from the Tamriel Crown Exchange (for PC/NA, or this link for PC/EU.) Thank you! And check out my other addons!This addon lets you switch between four mounts quickly, using chat commands or hotkeys. It also lets you activate a ra

RP Profile Viewer 作者: TheBobbyLlama

At long last, a profile viewing system has arrived for ESO roleplayers! The RP Profile viewer supports in-game display of character info, biographies, and even a profile image! The only catch is that you must create and maintain your profile on the ESO Ro

Roleplay Suite - Character Skill & N... 作者: Christopherv1995

Previously known as : Guild Event Dice RoleA dice roll addon with a twist, containing a huge number of different skills/attributes. You can set the rank of your skills, skill rank will set how high you are able to roll for, for example: a Journeyman is l