
Empyrean Dice 作者: manaphoenix

Empyrean dice is roller with a variable amount of dice up to 9 number long digits!The addon has 3 commands/rolltog - Toggles the dice roller on and off (default: on)/rollmode - Changes output mode (0 = client only, 1 = Text Bar input,2 = Send to group)

Outfit Hotkeys 作者: Thyreos

Outfit HotkeysProvides half a dozen hotkeys for equipping and un-equipping outfits.Optionally pairs outfits with mementos to trigger when any source* equips or unequips an outfit.Optionally restores your last outfit after zoning.***This addon, the

Kaljastus 作者: Ek1

Puts on a towel and Helm of Heroism when fishing. Also removes them when entering combat.Kalastus is the word for fishing in Finnish and kalja is the word for beer.

xTG_Immersive_Interface 作者: xTG

Addon descriptionImmersive Interface try to give you more immersion in hidding UI elements to let you appreciate the beauty of the ESO world.Fighting will be more elegant with the addition of heartbeat system to show your health status.More you are clo

Auto Outfit Switcher 作者: raj72616a

This addon automates switching outfits based on:1) active weapon bar (main bar or off bar)2) in-combat status (in-combat or out-of-combat)3) active buffFor example,- you may use one outfit for Lightning Staff bar, and a different outfit for Restorati

Emomento 作者: Werewolf Finds Dragon

Please read this.I'm taking another break for a while. My anxiety isn't holding up well and I need to take some time for myself to recover. Frankly, modding can be a thankless job and some of the people one is forced to interact with can be... deeply unp

Roleplay Suite - Character Skill & N... 作者: Christopherv1995

Previously known as : Guild Event Dice RoleA dice roll addon with a twist, containing a huge number of different skills/attributes. You can set the rank of your skills, skill rank will set how high you are able to roll for, for example: a Journeyman is l

reMasquerade 作者: glorinand

An update of the original Masquerade Addon. It is updated for the Dragon Bones update and includes additional functionality, such as support for:* vanity pets,* mounts,* mount visual settings (hide stamina upgrade, ...)* outfits* ...v. 1.1: fixed a

Soulgem, Parchment, Clippers 作者: Philgo68

This addon helps coordinate Soulgem, Parchment, Clippers fights. Everyone needs to have the addon.You must be in a group together and in the same location.Optionally, one person in group can throw a starter emote to show everyone a system message countd