
ChatAlert 作者: c0r73x

A small chat addon where you can specify keywords (for example your nickname) that when triggered will give you a notification in your whispers. Kind of how @ tagging works in Discord but you specify your own keywords.Great for guildleaders or officers w

ChatBG 作者: Weolo

A little addon I knocked up for Ajaxduo.It allows you to set a simple background colour for the chat window, including choosing the transparency.Anyone else is welcome to use it if you like it.The latest version of addon library LibAddonMenu is required

ChatMentions - DEPRECATED 作者: Coorbin

ESO ChatMentions AddonChatMentions has been integrated into the pChat addon. Please uninstall the standalone ChatMentions and install pChat. If somehow the current version of ChatMentions works for you, that's great... go ahead and keep using it! But I

Chess multiplayer 作者: Drako-Ei

CHESS MULTIPLAYERThis addon will let you play chess against any other player with the addon (whisper @Drako-Ei if you want to play against me!)How to playBoth players need to be groupedBoth players type /chess, one chooses white, other chooses black,