
RipFilter 作者: kadeer

What it doesDisplays killing blows, death count, who *you* have resurrected and a recap of all attacks before a person died.RecapAccess by typing /riprecap or use Keybinding or click [RECAP] in the RipFilter tabLive recap for any person (keep clicking

Asylum Sanctorium Status Panel 作者: code65536

This addon provides a status panel with useful information for Asylum Sanctorium, mostly for Olms +1 and +2 engagements.Status panel guide:Saint Llothis the Pious (only when engaged with Olms)Number of seconds since the last Defiled Blast (green mini-ti

Asylum Priority Target 作者: Gordias

DescriptionAsylum Priority Target places a panel on the screen that points to the target that needs to be made a priority in Asylum Sanctorium +0, +1 or +2. It determines this target based on protector spawn and enrage time of the mini bosses. By defaul

Death Report 作者: Cool7

This is a completed renovated addon derived from Plintkabouter's Noob Filter with a neutral name. In short, it's a death counter that produce reports for the deaths occurred in your group.Key feature: New 2.1 Options to ignore character name, auto play

Hyper Tanking Tools 作者: Hyperioxes

Hyper Tanking Tools is a set of trackers and other toolsDependencies:-LibAddonMenu-LibMsgWinDebuff Tracker:Tracks debuffs on current target and up to 6 bosses. You can set it up so it tracks different debuffs on current target frames and on boss frames

CancelCast 作者: Ace

Provinatus - Heads Up Display 作者: AlbinoPython

Heads up display that shows the locations and health of people in your group as well as many other locations.Restored Eidetic Memory pins from the LoreBooks addonRequired AddOnsLibAddonMenuLibGPSOptionally, displays data from:Dungeon ChampionsHarves

CrutchAlerts 作者: Kyzeragon

This addon is a crutch. Use the crutch proudly.Unlike other alert addons, CrutchAlerts displays almost ALL incoming attacks that are cast on you. It also displays a curated list of casts on other players or the enemy itself that may affect you, as well a

Cloudrest Bane Tracker 作者: init3

Tracks the bane from Z'majas shade in Cloudrest execute phase to provide a heads up for when the bane is estimated to come out again. There has only been a small amount of testing on this due to my lack of running Cloudrest, so the timer may need to be t